情书年年有今年特别多;情书的内核又永远是自负自恋的阳泉论坛是在对物的窥视和迷恋中沉沦于自身的癖——不过较之拉拉蓝和水形这部还是让我产生很多好感同样是迷蒙眼光stoned比dreamy要可爱些缺点特别明显导演想打包进去的hidden messages (but not really)太多寻宝路上谜面乱飞看有篇影评说剧本就像是作者十几岁边读《亚洲视屏》边疯狂标画时写出来的太多(无论形式上还是内容上)reference就是太多偶像感觉是读过不少理论文章的宅男迷弟心理过剩左顾右盼不知到底崇拜哪个才好如果说流行文化和亚文化背后的资本运作是“青春”的大危机那LA就是吃着这些东西长起来的青年人的幻灭之城终于有人发现加菲长得非常像Norman Bates了
"Every designer wants to create an illusion. Create things that disturb and fascinate people. Clothes are really beautiful to work with but there's also a reality outside. Some people don’t want to hear it. It's all lovey-dovey and everything's fine in the world all the time. But I tell it the way it is."